This format provides tailored updates of the SUBITOP network, created by the ESRs, and will appear at regular intervals throughout the lifetime of SUBITOP.
SUBITOP is devoted to attract a wide public community to the scientific topics it investigates and natural sciences in general. There will be a wide variety of multimedia material produced decisively for this goal, open workshops will take place and audiovisual information will be delivered
The SUBITOP School Partnership Programme is one of the key outreach activities for the ESRs. Each Early Career Researcher is tied to a secondary school class for the entire project phase and will have regular class visits.
On the 15 December 2016, students of Biology and Geology (4th grade in l'Institut Montserrat, 15-16years old) participated in the 1st classroom visit in Barcelona This project aims at approaching the society with current research in Earth Sciences, particularly in the area of subduction of tectonic plates. During the talk Ivone Jimenez, researcher at the Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera (CSIC, National Research Council) presented the project, and then, PhD students Kittiphon Boonma and Ajay Kumar explained the objectives of their personal projects within this framework. SEE WEBSITE.
In February 2017 ESRs Malwina San-Jose and Arthur Briaud (Uni Roma Tre) engaged with their partner school classes, together with Luigi de Filippis, Partner School Representative and also participating the First Workshop and Short Course in Greece (November 2016). Want to read more, on Italian? Newspaper article (page 4-5).