Partners in Oslo

The University of Oslo (UiO)

The University of Oslo (UiO) is the oldest Norwegian university. The UiO Geosciences (GEO) Department has 5 sections, one of which is the Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics (CEED), a Norwegian centre of excellence, established in 2013 ( Despite being a young centre, CEED is building on expertise from the two best “Solid Earth” groups in Norway (evaluated in 2011) and now has ca. 50 full-time and part-time employees including MSc and PhD students. CEED is dedicated to research of fundamental importance to the understanding of our planet that includes dynamics of the plates, origin of large-scale volcanism, evolution of climates and the abrupt demise of life forms. The largest group in CEED, the Dynamic Earth (led by PI C. Gaina) explores aspects of lithosphere’s dynamics and one of its aims is to explore the connection between slab subduction, collision and paleo-topography. This group has extensive expertise in the geology of the Caledonides and Alpine Corsica (Andersen), analogue modelling (Gabrielsen and Sokoutis), numerical modelling (Buiter) and regional and global plate reconstructions - including the genesis of microcontinents (Gaina and Torsvik).


Lundin, Norway is an Oil & Gas company with a focus on exploration in Norway and SE Asia. Its Chief Geophysicist, Jan Erik Lie will supervise ESR9, hosting a secondment which will use the company’s geophysical and geological data analysis facilities and proprietary software for geological and geophysical interpretation. He will serve on the SUBITOP Board.

A secondary school, not yet set